The Golden Hind!

For those of you who have become unreconstructed fans of Sir Francis Drake, here’s a nice new video on the Golden Hind, the ship in which he and his crew sailed around the world, robbing “the Spaniard” blind along the way.

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  • In Drake Around The World Pt. 2 you asked why the native people near Tierra Del Fuego might have built large bondfires on shore as ships passed by. I have a guess. My brother who lives in Bermuda told me that the early settlers of Bermuda were shipwrecked thieves and scoundrels, for the most part. He said they would light huge bondfires on shore to attract sailing vessels to enter waters with hidden reefs near shore. When the ships hit the reefs and faltered, the locals went to work salvaging the cargo of valuables and useful items. When you asked about why the natives lit those fires, this story came to mind.
    I’m a relatively new listener, and enjoy your podcast on my daily walks along the shores of Ketchikan Alaska.

Further reading