Jamestown and the Powhatans Part 9: War!

Play episode
Thomas West, Lord de la Warr

This episode is a close look at the First Anglo-Powhatan War, which began shortly after John Smith left Jamestown forever in October 1609, and ended as a formal matter with the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. The war was extremely bloody, if casualties are measured as a percentage of original population, and is noteworthy as the first true war between English settlers and the Indians of North America. Many more would come. But, before even getting to seventeenth century Virginia, we fix our gimlet eye on the historical significance of National Beer Day!

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Selected references for this episode

J. Frederick Fausz, “An ‘Abundance of Blood Shed on Both Sides’: England’s First Indian War, 1609-1614,” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, January 1990

James Horn, A Brave and Cunning Prince: The Great Chief Opechancanough and the War for America

National Beer Day (Wikipedia)

Message of FDR to Congress re the Volstead Act

Elizabeth Warren gets her a beer

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