Carolana On My Mind

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Sir Robert Heath

Early North Carolina, originally part of a territory called Carolana, is all but ignored in most surveys of American history.  After a fast start – both the Spanish and the English had short-lived settlements there in the 16th century before anywhere north of the future Tar Heel State had been settled by Europeans – a long period of failure followed until the late 1650s, when it hosted a quirky rural society of free-thinkers, democratically-inclined veterans of the New Model Army, and Quakers. In this overview episode we’ll bring together those long decades of failure!  Longstanding and attentive listeners will have passing familiarity with some of this, having heard it in bits and pieces since very nearly the beginning of this podcast, but since I benefited from reviewing it I thought you might too.

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Selected references for this episode (Commission earned for Amazon purchases through the website)

Lindley S. Butler, A History of North Carolina in the Proprietary Era 1629-1729

Lindley S. Butler, “The Early Settlement of Carolina: Virginia’s Southern Frontier,” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Jan. 1971

Sir Robert Heath

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